
tamoadmin 数码娱乐 2024-08-14 0


    中文简介:黄石国家公园(英语:Yellowstone National Park),简称黄石公园,是世界第一座国家公园,成立于1872年。黄石公园位于美国中西部怀俄明州的西北角,并向西北方向延伸到爱达荷州和蒙大拿州,面积达7988平方公里。这片地区原本是印地安人的圣地,但因美国探险家路易斯与克拉克的发掘,而成为世界上最早的国家公园。它在18年被列为世界自然遗产。

    园内高度从北方入口(蒙大拿州的伽德纳(Gardiner))的5,314英尺(1,620米)上升到公园东南方最高点的鹰峰(Eagle Peak)的11,358英尺(3,462米)。在黄石公园广博的天然森林中有世界上最大的间歇泉集中地带,全球一半以上的间歇泉都在这里。这些地热奇观是世界上最大的活火山存在的证据。黄石公园以熊为其象征。园内约有200多只黑熊,100多只灰熊。


    English Introduction:Yellowstone National Park referred to as Yellowstone National Park, is the world's first national park, established in 1872. Yellowstone National Park is located at the northwest corner of Wyoming, the American Midwest to the northwest extends to Idaho and Montana, an area of 7988 square kilometers. This area was originally a sacred Indian, but the U.S. explorers Lewis and Clark to explore, and to become the world's oldest national park. In 18 it was listed as World Natural Heritage.

    Height from the north entrance of the park of 1,620 meters up to the park's highest point, southeast of Eagle Peak of 3,462 meters. In Yellowstone Park, a broad range of natural forests in the world's largest concentration of geysers Strip, more than half of the world's geysers are here. These geothermal wonders of the world's largest active volcano is the existence of evidence. Yellowstone National Park in order to bear its symbol. About the park more than 200 black bears, more than 100 grizzly bears only.


    中文简介:19年登录波兰Bialowieza National Park(比亚沃维耶扎国家公园),1992年扩展范围到白俄罗斯并改为现在的名称。根据自然遗产遴选标准N(III)被列入《世界遗产目录》,评为遗产的报告:世界遗产委员会第16届会议报告。









    English Introduction:According to the natural heritage of the selection criteria N (III) has been included in the "World Heritage List", as Heritage's report: The World Heritage Committee's 16th session.

    Do Galloway on National Parks and Bialowieza National Park, located in the western and eastern Poland, Belarus, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Poland across the border, an area of 930 square kilometers. As the colder weather here, so the distribution of a large number of coniferous forest, habitat for many bison. In 19 and 1992, do not Galloway on National Parks and Bialowieza National Park was listed by UNESCO as a natural heritage of the inclusion in two "World Heritage List."

    This national park in the two countries respectively, ranging from the distribution of the size of the area, which is located in the side of the area of Belarus accounted for the bulk of the Polish side of the area 19 times. Here is the natural state of well preserved, thanks to the artificial construction where little to maintain a natural state. In Belarus side, 88% of the trees are coniferous and mixed forest.

    The word virgin forest reminiscent of the jungle scenes are long gone. National Forest Park biabo Iezza in Europe, one of the last remaining virgin forest, where rare plant and animal species can provide a list of prehistoric visitors to the original style of window. Virgin forest, there are more than 1,000 kinds of plants, of which there are more than 70 kinds of shrubs, over 20 kinds of trees, here are a variety of rare plants is considered a landmark in the history of natural biological evolution. The forest floor by a covered clusters of lush vegetation, which not only beautify the landscape also makes people feel relaxed and hy. Biya was living WeiyezaForest royal family of Poland and the Russian Tsar tradition of hunting resort, today, this piece of land has been incorporated into biabo Iezza National Forest Park, was recognized as a UNESCO "World Biosphere Reserve Scheme "part of it.

    The Biyawoye Zhasen Lin park like the rich in animal and plant varieties, there are a wide variety of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and a variety of birds. Here, the European bison in North America, only this piece of land, roam free.

    The European bison is the most famous animals in the park (see attached map). The European bison he been widely distributed in Eurasia, but almost diseared in the 20th century, in about 1000 years ago, numerous North American bison across Europe to Poland. To the beginning of this century, due to excessive hunting, the number of bison plummeted, and now only a ***all number of people living in Biyawoye Zhasen Lin park. The remaining animals, even if they are not safe during World War I, they are poachers and German soldiers wantonly kill. To 1923, only 60 bison throughout the world, when bison captive breeding program introduced in 1929, Poland bought from Germany and Sweden, one male and two females breeding on the park, to 18, Poland has increased the number of bison to 206, to present more than 300 long. All the bison he been protected, and the publication of bison system diagram nationality.

    In addition, there are even more rare here, a Mustang, called steppe horse (see attached map).

    Recent efforts to study biological Biyawoye Zhasen Lin Park into a miracle of history, attracting a large number of archaeologists to visit. Here, the vast majority of regions from the destruction of ancient human civilization has also been retained. He been excated more than 600 Gusl Tomb, Tombs of the largest of which formed by the 134 tombs.

    Park in many areas has been strictly protected, while the Polish to build a number of camping spots and roads, so that all visitors to this easy access to enjoy the beautiful scenery here.




    建立日期: 1919年

    面积: 4930平方公里

    地形: 高地沙漠高原和广阔的峡谷地带

    主要景点: 幽灵牧场和北缘

    野生动物: 大角羊、鹿、棉尾兔、凯巴布松鼠、黄鼠、响尾蛇、多刺蜥、小型哺乳动物、爬行动物和鸟类。


    大峡谷国家公园地图大峡谷国家公园位于美国西部亚利桑那州西北部的科罗拉多高原上。全长443 公里,是世界奇景之一。峡谷由于受到科罗拉多河的强烈下切作用而形成,所以又称科罗拉多大峡谷。1869 年,美国炮兵少校鲍威尔率领一支远征队,乘船航行,从科罗拉多河上游一直到大峡谷谷底。他将自己所目睹的峡谷风光、经历的惊险,写成游记,广为宣传,引起了全国的注意。1911 年建立了科罗拉多国家保护区。1919 年美国国会通过法案,将大峡谷最深最壮观的一段长约170 公里划为大峡谷国家公园,现公园已被联合国教科文组织列入世界自然遗产之一。

    大峡谷大体呈东西走向,东起科罗拉多河汇入处,西到内华达州界附近的格兰德瓦什崖附近。形状极不规则,蜿蜒曲折,迂回盘旋,峡谷顶宽在6~30 公里之间,往下收缩成V 形。两岸北高南低,最大谷深1500 米以上,谷底水面宽度不足千米,最窄处仅120 米,峡谷的奇特景色,浩瀚气魄,举世无双。由于河水的冲刷,河谷地层在结构、硬软上的差异,致使漫长的峡谷,百态杂陈,有的地方宽展,有的地方狭隘;有的地方尖如宝塔,有的地方堆如础石;有的如奇峰兀立,有的如洞穴天成。人们根据形象特征,分别冠以神话名称,如狄安娜神庙、波罗门寺宇、阿波罗神殿等。尤其是谷壁地层断面,节理清晰,层层叠叠,就像万卷诗书构成的曲线图案,缘山起落,循谷延伸。从谷底向上,沿崖壁出露着从前寒武纪到新生代的各个时期的岩系,水平层次清晰,并含有代表性生物化石,被称为“活的地质史教科书”。

    大峡谷国家公园中野生动植物十分丰富。已发现的动物有90 余种,鸟类有180 多种。峡谷中桧树、矮松葱郁,野花茂盛,植物有仙人掌、**、云杉、冷杉等。

    English Introduction:The host country: United States

    Location: Northwest Arizona

    Created: 1919

    Area: 4930 square kilometers

    Terrain: upland desert plateau and a broad valley zone

    Main Attractions: Ghost Ranch and the northern margin of the

    Wild Animals: Bighorn sheep, deer, cottontail rabbit, Kaibab squirrels, squirrel, rattlesnake, spiny lizards, ***all mammals, reptiles and birds.

    Activities: Ranger led nature walk, chat, slide presentations, campfire activities, horseback riding and mule tours, hiking, cycling, fishing, river rafting, air tours, cross-country skiing and hiking backpacks.

    Map of Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon National Park is located northwest of the western United States, Arizona, Colorado Plateau. Length of 443 kilometers, is one of the world's wonders. The Colorado River Valley due to the strong downward cutting action to form, so also known as the Grand Canyon. In 1869, the United States led an artillery Major Powell's expedition, sailing boat, from the Colorado River until the bottom of the Grand Canyon. He himself witnessed Canyon scenery, experience the adventure, written trelogues, widely publicized, causing the country's attention. In 1911 established the Colorado State protected areas. In 1919 the U.S. Congress passed a bill will be the most spectacular Grand Canyon, the deepest section of roximately 170 km designated as Grand Canyon National Park, now Park has been listed by UNESCO as one of the world's natural heritage.

    Grand Canyon Grand lanes are east-west, east from the Colorado River Import Department, the west to near the Nevada border near the Rio Grande vache cliffs. A very irregular shape, winding circuitous circled Canyon Dingkuan in 6 to 30 kilometers, down to shrink into a V-shaped. The two sides from north to south, the largest deep valley 1500 meters above the bottom surface of the water less than 1000 meters width, narrowest point is only 120 meters, strange canyon scenery, the vast breadth and unparalleled. Due to river erosion, and valley formation in the structure, differences in hard and soft, resulting in a long valley, gestos ***ells, and some areas of spread, and some parochial; some areas, such as the pagoda sharp, some parts of the heap, such as Chu Stone; some, such as Chi-Feng Wu Li, and some, such as ces heen. People according to image features, respectively, the myth branded names, such as the Temple of Diana, the Baltic door temples, the Temple of Apollo and so on. In particular, Gubi stratigraphic section, joints clear, layer upon layer upon layer, like rolls of poetry and literature constitute the curve pattern, edge hill ups and downs, through the valley extension. From the bottom up along the cliffs out of the former bare Cambrian to Cenozoic rocks of various periods, the horizontal level, clear, and contains representative fossils, known as a "living textbook of geological history."

    Grand Canyon National Park is rich in wildlife. He been found more than 90 species of animals, there are more than 180 kinds of birds. Canyon cypress tree, dwarf pine lush, luxuriant wildflowers, plants include cacti, poppy, spruce, fir and so on.